Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ex- pensive

Holy shit why is everything so fucking expensive? Me and Lou wanted to go on the ferris wheel at the Ex in Toronto. One ride thats all we wanted. Guess how much? 14 goddamn 50. 14.50. Really? Really. So being bitter and jaded about the whole experience we had a fudge apple and a hot waffle ice cream sandwich (so good) and basically forgot about the ridiculousness of carnivals and having this fat blonde bitch yelling in my ear to take an alternate of a photo when i was just taking a test shot...anyways...ranting...

~I forsee empty wallets and bloated stomachs~

we headed back to the city and went to CHE and had drinks and ran into our favorite person in the whole world, Kevin.

On another note I cannot wait to move out of this house. More on that later...

-R. Dirtstar